10 times beautiful green flowering garden plants
Jesse Ventura
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Finger plant
The finger plant needs protection in the Dutch winters, but then you also have a beautiful evergreen plant that flowers modestly. After flowering, it sometimes produces berries. The leaves of the plant can grow up to 40 centimetres and are reminiscent of fingers. The finger plant should not be placed in the wind, but preferably in a quiet spot. With good care, it is a plant you can enjoy for years.
Height: maximum 3 metres
When to sow: spring
Flowering time: October/November
Latin name: Fatsia Japonica
Type of plant: perennial
The finger plant often ends up in the garden if it becomes too big for a houseplant.
2. Rock heather
Rock heather has a bright red colour in spring, after flowering the leaves turn green and they keep that colour through the winter. The flowers on these green flowering plants are white, small and inconspicuous. The rock heath certainly has to do with the beautiful leaves.
Height: 30 centimetres
When to sow: spring
Flowering time: April/May
Latin name: Pieris
Type of plant: heather
This heather has fragile leaves and prefers a sheltered place. Pruning is not a good idea.
3. Eucalyptus
The azura is the eucalyptus species that is hardy and evergreen. Now green is a somewhat elastic term in this case because the leaves tend more towards blue, as the Latin name suggests. The flowering is not striking, the leaves start out round and become elongated as they grow.
Height: maximum 3 metres
When to sow: Spring
Flowering time: Spring
Latin name: Eucalyptus Gunnii Azura
Type of plant: shrub
The eucalyptus gives off a scent that most people find very pleasant. Mosquitoes think otherwise and avoid gardens with this plant.